Where Psychology and Spirituality Connect in the Body

Welcome, I so appreciate your being here! I am Lina, and I offer a holistic perspective to wellness and healing from Austin, Texas; the ancestral homeland of the Tonkawa, Lipan-Apache, Karankawa, Comanche, and Coahuiltecan people.
At this time sessions are online via virtual meeting, AND / OR in-person.
Holistic Healing Services
Austin Spirit Heart Mind & Body, LLC offers holistic counseling and coaching services that integrate psychology, the body, and spirituality.
Led by Lina Návar, a bilingual licensed professional counselor, Body Psychotherapist, certified psychospiritual life coach, Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist, Registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Soul Motion Conscious Dance Movement Teacher, and PsychoEnergetic & Psychoshamanic Healing Facilitator; the practice provides a compassionate and mindful approach to healing trauma and fostering personal growth. These holistic healing services focus on empowering clients to reclaim their innate wholeness.
Led by Lina Návar, a bilingual licensed professional counselor, Body Psychotherapist, certified psychospiritual life coach, Registered Somatic Movement Educator/Therapist, Registered Kundalini Yoga Teacher, Soul Motion Conscious Dance Movement Teacher, and PsychoEnergetic & Psychoshamanic Healing Facilitator; the practice provides a compassionate and mindful approach to healing trauma and fostering personal growth. These holistic healing services focus on empowering clients to reclaim their innate wholeness.

My approach is essentially embodied, spiritual, heart-centered, relational, and intuitive. In working with my clients, I recognize the importance of compassionately and mindfully addressing the physical, spiritual life force, psychological, and emotional components of their experience in order to have a whole person understanding of their issue.
I am interested in exploring the possibility of developing a supportive, therapeutic, and relational relationship that provides a safe and warm container through which you may address your concerns and become more empowered in your own personal process.
Questions you may have...
Am I ready to address and heal old stories and experiences that have been holding me back?
Do I wish I could heal past trauma without needing to discuss it because I don't want to share it, or because I don't quite remember?
Have I wondered why I am not feeling connected to my life, to my aliveness, to my true purpose?
Am I finding myself stuck or in pain, unable to know how to proceed in a specific area of my life, after trying everything I could think of?
If any or all of these questions resonate with you, then YOU are in the right place.
I invite you to be actively involved in creating the life you were meant to live, so that you, your soul, may experience and reclaim your innate wholeness.
Talking about what happened is totally up to you. Healing trauma, or the soul wound, as Native American peoples have historically referred to a deep psychic wound that transcends the body, mind, and spirit, is absolutely possible when you are ready to overcome it.
I am here to encourage you to acknowledge, welcome, and integrate both the shadow and the light within you. It is only when we allow ourselves the freedom to experience our wounds fully that we may begin the healing transformation process. Healing happens in relationship. If we are meant to work together, it will be my honor to walk and dance right beside you.
Am I ready to address and heal old stories and experiences that have been holding me back?
Do I wish I could heal past trauma without needing to discuss it because I don't want to share it, or because I don't quite remember?
Have I wondered why I am not feeling connected to my life, to my aliveness, to my true purpose?
Am I finding myself stuck or in pain, unable to know how to proceed in a specific area of my life, after trying everything I could think of?
If any or all of these questions resonate with you, then YOU are in the right place.
I invite you to be actively involved in creating the life you were meant to live, so that you, your soul, may experience and reclaim your innate wholeness.
Talking about what happened is totally up to you. Healing trauma, or the soul wound, as Native American peoples have historically referred to a deep psychic wound that transcends the body, mind, and spirit, is absolutely possible when you are ready to overcome it.
I am here to encourage you to acknowledge, welcome, and integrate both the shadow and the light within you. It is only when we allow ourselves the freedom to experience our wounds fully that we may begin the healing transformation process. Healing happens in relationship. If we are meant to work together, it will be my honor to walk and dance right beside you.

What I offer
With conscious intention and purpose, ALL the work I offer is holistic. Primarily, I specialize in Trauma Whole Person Healing, Shadow Work, and the Body as a Vehicle for Deep Conscious Transformation.
I weave together a tapestry of tools supported by somatic counseling psychology, neuroscience, expressive arts therapy, transpersonal / spiritual psychology, psychosynthesis coaching, embodied imagery, psychoshamanic practice, an amalgamation of western science plus ancestral indigenous approaches to wellness such as kundalini yoga and other energy healing practices; ecopsychology, Jungian psychology, depth psychology, conscious dance movement, mindfulness, and other contemplative practices that lead to lasting healing and transformation. You will be able to find out more information in the About section.
My passion is to facilitate whole person healing; let me know if you would like me to support yours.
Trauma/PTSD Whole Person Healing Counseling
Because of a primal need to survive, when faced with adversity, you may have developed a fight-freeze-flight-flop/faint-friend/placating (FFFFF) instinctive responses, which is our body's built-in protection system. Unfortunately, after a traumatic experience, it can be difficult to discern between perceived threat and real imminent danger. Thus, Terri Cole, a New York-based licensed psychotherapist, states that the FFFFF response can be triggered by anything that feels emotionally dangerous such as: criticism, rejection, and aggression; as a result, one may go through life reacting from a closed wounded place, instead of proactively responding with more openness and curiosity.
So, if you are ready to heal past trauma and/or recent PTSD, and are dealing with negative core beliefs that are getting in the way of you thriving in life, then consider the possibility to heal your trauma-related pain ASAP.
Benefit from my specialized training and experience in Somatic Experiencing, TF-CBT (Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) with somatic interventions, and ART (Accelerated Resolution Therapy). You can conceivably find relief and experience a positive shift in your life as soon as your first session!
Also, note that depending on what is in your best interest, some of the other supportive and enriching resources I may integrate into trauma healing are: Visualization & Inner Imagery, Embodied Presence, Hakomi, Focusing, Gestalt Parts Work, Mindfulness, Movement-Based Interventions, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, The Moving Cycle, and Bioenergetics.
Shadow Work Theracoaching
Discover the solution to what has been ailing you by connecting to the unconscious holistically via your mind, body, and soul.
The fusion of holistic therapy and soul-based coaching allows me to best support you in moving forward to effectively achieve your healing transformational goals.
To work at powerfully and impactfully uncovering and healing your deepest wounds, and tapping into the unconscious for existential answers that sometimes evades us, I bring in Jungian Dream Analysis, Transformative Imagery, Active Imagination and Inner Work, Psychosynthesis, Sound/Gong Healing, Embodied PsychoEnergetic Healing Work, Tarot & Other Symbol Cards as an Explorative Reflection Tool in Creative Therapeutic Practice, Sacred Medicine/Psychedelics Holistic Integration, Human Potential & Life Transition Rituals & Ceremonies, energy psychology, and psychoshamanism in therapeutic practice.
Conscious Movement Theracoaching
Take a chance; go deeper, find the root cause of your pain, and get some relief once and for all. Because when you connect to your body, you connect to your soul. The body is your vehicle for deep exploration, healing, and connection to a higher intelligence that resides in you and in everything.
Having a core foundation in Body Psychotherapy and Movement & Dance Therapy with a strong contemplative practice, facilitates the integration of psychospiritual - transpersonal soul work with other specialized psychotherapeutic practices upon which allow unconscious material or a higher intelligence to manifest using breath, movement, sensation, and inner imagery. Also, with considerable somatic experience in my toolkit, I offer individual and group conscious dance movement sessions inspired by mindfulness practices and my training in Soul Motion.

What I stand for
I am committed to providing a welcoming environment that promotes and embodies diversity and inclusivity for all.
Because I value diversity and multiculturalism, I encourage and promote human rights by using my voice, in English and Spanish, to suggest new narratives that address the needs of marginalized groups, as well as stand up to discrimination in our collective healing mind. Moreover, I am LGBTQIA2S+ allied, non-binary ally, racial justice allied, disability ally, cancer survivorship ally, and a strong supporter of racial healing, transformative justice, and social change.
Above all, I honor all spiritual paths that provide a better understanding of our relationship with the earth, and that positively influence us to want to be and do better in relationship to ourselves and others. That said, I imagine you may have your own way of connecting to your aliveness or life force via pets, nature, hobbies, dancing, walking, spiritual practice, or quiet reflection to name a few. If unsure, I can support you in reclaiming trust in yourself, the world around you, and others by tapping into the innate energetic intelligence of your gut, heart, and mind centers through shadow work and conscious movement.
"The mind is brought into harmony with the spirit and it includes the body, achieving an organic, harmonious unity of all aspects of the person's being; what we might call 'bio-psychosynthesis'. This is true spiritual alchemy." ~ Roberto Assagioli
Work with Lina
"Your decision to walk creates the path ahead."
~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
~ Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

The creative process plays a major role in how I work, and what I mean by that is that I see you as a unique individual with unique needs; in my work, I incorporate values of freedom of expression, respect for uniqueness and choice, and I utilize embodiment practices, intuition, and imagination as guiding instruments to identify and move beyond obstacles.
Your treatment will be designed specifically for you and based on your focused intention to tend to determined areas. I will not have an agenda that dictates how or where I think things should go; instead, I will be open to where you are and what you are needing every step of the way. I will be actively committed to your healing process and you will be too; provided that we are a good fit for each other and you are ready for this level of commitment.
Would you like to be able to express yourself more authentically and embrace who you really are as a human being? This degree of self-acceptance could possibly involve spirituality, culture, race, ability, and sexual orientation identity. Are trauma, self-doubt, or personal and relationship challenges keeping you from living your life to the fullest? You are not alone!
I intend to bring awareness to unconscious emotions and thoughts that might uncover a more authentic and fulfilling way of being. Thus, I will encourage you to utilize your body's wisdom and intuition as a single integrated compass. By being mindful of emotional states, thinking patterns, imagery, energetic body sensations, noticing postural changes and movements, and bringing awareness to the breath, you will learn how to:
- successfully ride the wave of the most difficult emotions such as anxiety, panic attacks, depression, grief, and anger
- face, embrace, and integrate your shadow and the light within
- powerfully reconnect with your inner guidance system
- rewire your brain for healing, resilience, and thriving
Healing is a team effort. Together, with the creative process as cofacilitator, we can find the answer to what has been wanting to be healed within you, face much dreaded difficulties, and consider the possibility that everything you need to heal already exists in you, and always has.
Are you ready to be actively involved in creating the life you were meant to live, so that you, your soul, may experience and reclaim your innate wholeness? I am here to encourage you to acknowledge, welcome, and integrate both the shadow and the light within you. It is only when we allow ourselves the freedom to experience our wounds fully that we may begin the healing transformation process. Healing happens in relationship. If we are meant to work together, it will be my honor to walk and dance beside you and support you.
So, if you are ready to play an active role in your healing, and the way I work speaks to you, then I may be the holistic practitioner for you.
These holistic services are available to you via video conferencing, and at a peaceful and relaxing office space in North Austin. Moreover, if you are feeling a strong desire to connect in order to see if we are a good fit for each other, and very importantly, discuss the movement you would like to experience in your life as a result of possible change and conscious transformation, then I warmly invite you to schedule a free 20-minute meet-and-greet video consultation. Contact me to book your free 20-minute meet-and greet online consultation!