Shadow Work: Embracing Both the Dark & the Light in You
Bringing awareness to what is unconscious in us and facing our fears, comes from a deep place of self-love.
"Awareness is like the sun. When it shines on things, they are transformed."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
How do I get started?
If you are reading this, then I imagine that you have already began considering the possibility of going deeper into your personal work in order to live a more authentic, healthier, and purposeful life. Today, may be the perfect day to begin asking the hard questions, such as:
- What am I most afraid of?
- What am I ashamed of?
- Is there something that I have been unwilling to face because it’s too painful to consider?
- What do I not want others to know about me, both pleasant and unpleasant?
- What makes my heart sing?
- When do I feel most alive?
Shadow Integration Work
Self-inquiry is only the beginning of Shadow Integration Work. Willingness to befriend the shadow and embody the light within requires a deep commitment to ourselves that usually stems from feeling sick and tired of feeling sick and tired of the same old fill-in-the-blank.
At first, it may seem quite counter-intuitive to move towards the pain, the anger, and the anxiety. After all, who wants to feel these feelings? However, the more you are able to summon and welcome back the parts of yourself that have been denied, rejected, unloved, abused, shamed, hidden, or forgotten, the more whole and supported you will feel.
Working with both the dark and the light sides of the shadow will ask for your fortitude, curiosity, and willingness to unearth and discover hidden and sometimes, unrecognized facts about yourself and others in your life; your truth. Then, the question will be, “And what are you going to do about it?” Jung often said that nothing changes if nothing changes, and often pointed to the importance of taking some sort of action that honors and celebrates YOU, reclaiming your own aliveness; what you really want. Hence, the importance of rituals and ceremonies across time and world cultures as a way of marking significant dates and milestones.
At first, it may seem quite counter-intuitive to move towards the pain, the anger, and the anxiety. After all, who wants to feel these feelings? However, the more you are able to summon and welcome back the parts of yourself that have been denied, rejected, unloved, abused, shamed, hidden, or forgotten, the more whole and supported you will feel.
Working with both the dark and the light sides of the shadow will ask for your fortitude, curiosity, and willingness to unearth and discover hidden and sometimes, unrecognized facts about yourself and others in your life; your truth. Then, the question will be, “And what are you going to do about it?” Jung often said that nothing changes if nothing changes, and often pointed to the importance of taking some sort of action that honors and celebrates YOU, reclaiming your own aliveness; what you really want. Hence, the importance of rituals and ceremonies across time and world cultures as a way of marking significant dates and milestones.
The truth is, no one can do the work for you. You’ve got to take charge of your life and embark on either the hero's journey or the heroine's journey, if you haven’t already, and discover and face your dragons, one at a time. In my own Shadow Integration Work, I have found that the bigger the dragon is, the bigger the treasure. If we were to decide to work together, I will help you get to know your dragons, from a supportive, safe, compassionate, embodied presence, and encouraging space.
"Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself."
Shadow Work Theracoaching
To support your Shadow Work, I present to you theracoaching. The theracoaching I offer is embodied therapeutic soul-based coaching infused with prominent holistic therapeutic approaches to best guide you spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Depending on what your needs are, we co-create an experience that is most beneficial for you, one step at a time.
Moreover, as a trained therapist, I know how to hold space and support my clients when they are experiencing very difficult emotions, and bring a specialized set of holistic approaches into the coaching services I offer. At the same time, I have created this embodied psychospiritual coaching space in order to be able to invite aspects of your soul work that may be outside the counseling scope of practice.
To work at powerfully and impactfully uncovering and healing your deepest wounds, and tapping into the unconscious for existential answers that sometimes evades us, I bring in Jungian Dream Analysis, Transformative Imagery, Active Imagination and Inner Work, Psychosynthesis, Sound/Gong Healing, Embodied PsychoEnergetic Healing Work, Tarot & Other Symbol Cards as an Explorative Reflection Tool in Creative Therapeutic Practice, Sacred Medicine/Psychedelics Holistic Integration, Human Potential & Life Transition Rituals & Ceremonies, and psychoshamanism in therapeutic practice.
Theracoaching as embodied psychospiritual coaching is meant to remind you that everything you need is inside you, and I will support you in accessing that which will most benefit you.
Doing Shadow Work is what brings my soul the most joy, both professionally with my clients and on a deeply personal level because the results are often powerful and life-changing.
Therefore, if you feel drawn to do shadow work with me and we are a good fit for each other, know that it is my heartfelt calling to fully support you in connecting to your truth, your soul medicine, and your reason for being here at this time in your life.
Moreover, as a trained therapist, I know how to hold space and support my clients when they are experiencing very difficult emotions, and bring a specialized set of holistic approaches into the coaching services I offer. At the same time, I have created this embodied psychospiritual coaching space in order to be able to invite aspects of your soul work that may be outside the counseling scope of practice.
To work at powerfully and impactfully uncovering and healing your deepest wounds, and tapping into the unconscious for existential answers that sometimes evades us, I bring in Jungian Dream Analysis, Transformative Imagery, Active Imagination and Inner Work, Psychosynthesis, Sound/Gong Healing, Embodied PsychoEnergetic Healing Work, Tarot & Other Symbol Cards as an Explorative Reflection Tool in Creative Therapeutic Practice, Sacred Medicine/Psychedelics Holistic Integration, Human Potential & Life Transition Rituals & Ceremonies, and psychoshamanism in therapeutic practice.
Theracoaching as embodied psychospiritual coaching is meant to remind you that everything you need is inside you, and I will support you in accessing that which will most benefit you.
Doing Shadow Work is what brings my soul the most joy, both professionally with my clients and on a deeply personal level because the results are often powerful and life-changing.
Therefore, if you feel drawn to do shadow work with me and we are a good fit for each other, know that it is my heartfelt calling to fully support you in connecting to your truth, your soul medicine, and your reason for being here at this time in your life.

I warmly invite you to schedule a free 20-minute meet-and-greet online consultation, if you are feeling a strong desire to connect in order to see if we are a good fit for each other, and very importantly, discuss the movement you would like to experience in your life as a result of possible change and conscious transformation. - Lina
I warmly invite you to schedule a free 20-minute meet-and-greet online consultation, if you are feeling a strong desire to connect in order to see if we are a good fit for each other, and very importantly, discuss the movement you would like to experience in your life as a result of possible change and conscious transformation. - Lina